MCM Comic Con 2024 DM Registration
Welcome! Thanks in advance for your interest in DMing at MCM Comic Con London for Baldman Games. Without DMs and helpers like you, shows like this would not exist. I’ve always said that even when you’re DMing, you’re gaming, and that is never a bad way to spend the day. We’ve drummed up some of the best benefits we can to entice you to swap over to the dark side of the DM’s screen.
Extra thanks to the people that filled out the DM Interest form that was here earlier. Your signups helped make this a reality! We look forward to your final and actual signup 🙂
DMing is a great way to give back to your hobby, and we have some really great rewards that make helping out even easier – plus it’s a great way to attend the show and save some serious $$. You can earn a free badge to the show or even a spot in one of our hotel rooms next to the convention center (a huge perk). It’s also a great way to make new friends and immerse yourself in the show community, more than a casual attendee ever could. Our judge retention rate is extremely high, so fair warning: once you work for us, you’ll probably come back and do it again next year.
Now for some show terminology:
- Badge Level: If you DM at Badge Level, you’ve worked enough to earn a free badge to the show. This badge is paid for by the Baldman Games staff.
- Room Level: If you DM at Room Level, you’ve worked enough to earn a spot in one of our hotel rooms. These rooms are for three nights (Thu. night to Sat. night), and we put three to four people in a room. We do our best, though, to put you in a room with the roommates you prefer whenever possible. So if you are unsure about staying with strangers your first time, then get a couple buddies to DM with you, and we’ll put all of you in a room together. We all win!!
- Slot: This one confuses a lot of people and is a very old term from the RPGA days. A slot is the same as saying a shift. In the case of MCM Comic Con 2024, a slot is four hours long. Every event and day is put together using slots so events line-up nicely, start and end at the same time in relation to each other, and help you put together a schedule that fits your needs easy as possible.
- Slot Zero/Slot 0: So if the first slot is called Slot 1 then what the heck is Slot 0? Slot 0 is any game that runs before the show itself, allowing our DMs to see a game they will later from the player’s perspective. Usually these are done so DMs can prepare to run a better game. Seeing things from a player’s perspective then preparing it is a huge help for some. Sometimes these are also special DM-only events done as rewards for them helping out. Regardless of whether you get to play an event before the show or not, you are always expected to be prepared when the show starts and it is game time.
- Judges: “Judge” is just a fancy word for “DM.” It is a remnant from a bygone era, but we are so used to saying it that sometimes it slips through. If we say “judge,” we mean “DM or other type of gamemaster.”
Now on to some event specifics:
- D&D Demos: A quick 20 to 30 minute introduction to D&D. It’s still a 4-hour shift of work, but you’ll run the same demo a few times in that time. Maybe putting a different spin on it every time. It makes for a great time and is very popular at the show. It’s an excellent opportunity for newer DMs as preparing one mini-event for repeated play is a lot easier than a 2-hour one.
- Learn to DM: A 1 hour session in which you get to introduce new or soon to be new DMs into the wolrd of running a D&D game for players. It’s still a 4-hour shift of work, but you’ll run the same session a few times in that time. For the experienced DMs who feel they have wisdom to share, and enthusiasm to infect people with.
- 50th Anniversary Special adventures These are our 2-hour (about 90 minutes of play) fast-play events. It’s still a 4-hour shift of work, but you’ll run the same adventure twice in that time. Featuring the characters from the 1980’s D&D Cartoon in their new 2024 forms.
Well, hopefully that was helpful in getting you up to speed on what we are about and how you can help us help you. Now on to the nitty-gritty details that hopefully will now make more sense to you.
For MCM Comic Con 2024 everything at the show (outside of HQ staff) will work on 4ish-hour shifts. There is overlap in slot 4 and 5, so you obviously cannot sign up for both. Slot 7 may include some help breaking down our stuff.
D&D Events Schedule
Friday Oct 25th | Saturday Oct 26th | Sunday Oct 27th |
Slot 1 10:00 – 14:00 | Slot 3 09:00 – 13:00 | Slot 6 10:00 – 14:00 |
Slot 2 14:00 – 18:00 | Slot 4 13:00 – 17:00 | Slot 7 14:00 – 18:00 |
Slot 5 15:00- 19:00 |
Sessions will be planned as people sign up for them during the day, we will start with Demos and Learn to DM, and then start the 2 hour sessions later.
What you earn at the show will to go towards your badge and hotel. You will not be cut a check at the end of the show (but neither will we hand you an invoice if you don’t make enough to cover everything).
At MCM Comic Con, signing up for 2 shifts will get you a free show badge, and 4 shifts will get you a spot in a hotel room as well. But Any time you can spend with us will be appreciated.
Non-Employee Compensation: Regardless of which benefits level you choose, you are doing work for hire. You are not an employee of Baldman Games LLC at any time. This is why you get to pick when you run, what you are running, etc.
Code of Conduct
Please make sure you have read our code of conduct and ask any questions you may have before filling out this application. By submitting it you are agreeing to follow the rules and guidelines contained within them.
Events running at MCM Comic Con 2024
MCM Comic Con will be focused on introducing people to the wonders of of D&D. To match with that goal, our events will be:
D&D Demos; 20 to 30 minute sessions to introduce people to Dungeons & Dragons. This demo will be using the beginning of the Peril in Pinebrook adventure.
Learn to DM; 1 hour sessions providing new or soon to be DMs with tips, tricks and a grounding in being the Dungeon Master.
50th Anniversary Special 1: Uni’s Hunt; A two hour session, where people can play the characters from the 1980’s cartoon series as they try to find out what happened to Uni the unicorn. Uses 2024 rules and pre-generated characters.
50th Anniversary Special 2: A two hour session, where people can play the characters from the 1980’s cartoon series as they try to stop a new elemental evil. Uses 2024 rules and pre-generated characters.
The 50th Anniversary Specials will still be run at MCM, but unfortunately not by us and at a different location.